Learning Reiki with Me
My Etho
Reiki as changed my life in many ways and my main aim is to enthuse students to this amazing energy. To use it daily for their own greater good and watch their life's change and those around them.
Who can learn Reiki and how can you become a Reiki healer?
Anyone can learn Reiki, you just need to have a desire to want to learn it. To be a Reiki healer you need to be able to channel Reiki and be attuned by a Reiki Master. Attunements are gentle and this connects a student to the source of Reiki, this then enables them to channel for themselves and others.
There are 3 levels to Reiki each one as attunements which awakens and amplify our natural healing channel. Being attuned to Reiki encourages the acceleration of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual growth.
If you are wanting to do Reiki on others and charge them you have to be attuned to level 2. As long as you want to learn Reiki for your personal greater good and the greater good of the universe and that this is your desire then learning Reiki is definitely for you.
Reiki is a wonderful loving universal energy and should not be miss used or abused.
My Teaching
I only teach in small groups of four as I believe it should be personal so you should feel safe, relaxed and open up natuarlly to one another as we all learn from each other. I only teach Traditional Usui Reiki and my courses are taught in line with The Reiki Association guidelines, which I am a member off. Please be aware if you are wanting to make an income from Reiki and you learn online, find an insurance company that will expect online attunement as most do not as you have not been attuned in person by a Reiki Master.
I am a certified and fully insured Reiki Master/Teacher and Crystal Healing Practitioner and a member of The Reiki Assocation.
When you become a member of the The Reiki Assocation you have to do extra business qualifications, show them case studies and let them watch you do a Reiki session. My courses are fully creditable.
- With each level of Reiki you learn, you have to go through a period of 21 days self healing.
- All courses will be run over two day, expect the Reiki Masters depends if you want to be able to teacher it afterwards.
- A follow up session will be made after your 21 days healing, this can be in person or over the phone.
- Your journey will start with your own use of Reiki.
- Support from me for life if required or when needed.
My Story
Learning Reiki change my whole life.
When I was introduced to Reiki, my well-being was at a real low, night's spent laying wide awake.
Couldn't switch of my mind, constantly going over everything, stresses, worrying, kids, life, money. I was suffering with depression, my endometriosis was so bad at the time.
I just wasn't coping as a single mum, having just left the kids dad, moved home and trying to get a divorce, juggling work, school & nursery runs I was at a low point in me life.
Desperately wanting to help my own health and willing to put the time into learning, I thought lets try Reiki.
Blown away by my 1st session, I quickly learnt 1 & 2 and 2 years later my masters/teaching.
This helped me calm my mind, sleep better, my depression went over time, endometriosis cleared up loads.
As time went on I understood that Reiki helped bring up trauma, you heal and then you notice the changes within yourself.
Reiki become an excellent tool, for me to help me find time within my week to give myself the self care I needed. To slow down and relax.
After time I could silence my over active mind this helped my mental health massively.
Anyone who becomes attuned to Reiki will find it relaxing, calming and you can cope better with daily life stresses and what it throws at you.
Reiki is unconditional love energy, its work through the receiver for their great good.
You don't have to learn Reiki to be a Reiki Practitioner to help others or be a teacher. It can be something just for you. Like meditation, mindfulness and yoga. Reiki is an amazing tool and can help your whole well-being, spiritual, mental, emotional and physical.
It helped me start my journey in discovering who I am, how to listen to my own inner knowing and opened me up to looking at thing in my life around me so differently.
Reiki was the first modality I learnt for myself, I slowly started to connect to myself and energy's around. Nature became my new find love, understanding earthing, grounding how to use the elements for healing.
How you grow with Reiki is different for everyone and that the magic of it.
Reiki is not a quick fix it's something you have to keep practicing on yourself and it develops over time. You don't have to practice everyday, but weekly keeps you with a strong connection.
Instead of jumping out of bed 1st thing in a morning, it's great to give yourself you time. Has that first 30/60 minutes really makes a difference to your daily. Journal, connect to your higher self, set your daily intentions. Ask yourself what do you need to do for you today.
I love to channel Reiki for 15 minutes to clear my energy connect to the Angels, and raise my vibration for the day.

Reiki 1
What you will learn
- What Reiki is
- How Reiki works
- The history of Reiki
- The five principles of Reiki
- The major chakras (what they are, where and represent)
- Subtle energy bodies and auras (what these are, where, why they are important and what they represent)
- Self healing and hand positions
- Learn how to heal other people
- The correct positions
- Healing pets and plants
- Code of Ethics
- Reiki attunements
- Certification and lineage
- Reiki training (I will go through a Reiki session with you, you will be able to practise on yourself and I)
- Post course support and Whatsapp group
Investment - £180 a £30 non-refundable deposit to secure you place, in person.
Course will run over 1 days 10am - 4pm from my home in Newsome, Huddersfield
Reiki Level 2
Who is it for?
You will have had to completed Reiki level 2 and have used Reiki on themselves for a length of time.
If you are wanting to set up your own professionally practise and charge a fee.
If you are wanting to deepen your commitment to Reiki, learn how to use the symbols and send distant healing.
What you will learn
We will start with a discussion on your experiences with Reiki and why you want to learn level 2
- Reiki training (we will go through how to draw the symbols and you can practise, you will always practise distant healing on one another)
- Attunements and receive the three symbols (theses symbols enhance the healing process)
Emotional healing
Mental healing
Distant healing
- Learn how to use Reiki to remove negative energy from food and drink
- How to cleanse and energise a room
- How to use Reiki healing on animals and plants
- Codes of ethics (especially if healing others)
- Advice on setting up your own practice
- Certification and lineage
- Post course support with a Whatsapp group and Facebook group.
Investment £180 - £30 non refundable deposit taken on booking, rest to be paid the day before.
This course will run over 1 days 10am - 16pm from my home in Newsome, Huddersfield
Please feel free to ask me any questions ​

Client Testimonial

I love connecting to new soul family and friends.
Let's connect.