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Kerrie Ann

Let me help you find peace within and authentically!


It's about finding the root cause to your self sabotaging blocks, they hold you back and need eliminating for good.

You can reach the next level of success in your life, whether it be money, love, relationships or family, all these go hand in hand. By finding the root cause you can watch your life start to change, watch it unfold in front of your eyes and in all areas of your life. 


You can create the life you desire by holding the belief that anything is possible in the infinite fields of potential. 


Everything begins within you! 


When you say yes to yourself! 


The universe is filled with infinite energy and an intelligence that can only be fully understood by a select few.

With this knowledge you can create the life you so desire. First you need to have faith and to trust in yourself that you can change, but most importantly you are willing to make the changes in your life, that you have to do. When you don't do this, it's what holds you back. 


To create your desires, it may seem like you are making sacrifices, but these short-term sacrifices will turn to long-time gain in your success. 


It's easy today to be conditioned by the outside world, sources, people, events, news and the lower energies that are around us on the planet. Past life trauma & beliefs, childhood wounding, all this can cause us to self sabotage. The reason we don't succeed is because we are not aligning to our souls wisdom, highest time line and intuition as this has been shut down and closed off over the years. 

There are many layers to un-peel, no-one can be healed within a few months. You have to put the investment into yourself and do the inner work. 


With the right guidance and energy healing you can connect to your soul's purpose, learn to trust, have faith, forgive, believe in yourself and find a new level of self love.

When you reach this new found Love of Self, your mind is opened up to the next level of ascension.


When you invest in your own healing and growth, anything is possible.


When you say,

No more bullshit,

No more limitations,

No more self-sabotage,

No more drama triangle,

No more holding myself back. 


Just you being your authentic self embodied feminine essence and energy. With a new found love of life and glowing from the inside out.


I truly believe we meet people for a reason and if you have found me, then there will be a reason.


2020 was a year of healing all the pain, shock and trauma from past lives and remembering my gifts from other lives where I have been a healer. Healing my lineage, family line, activating my DNA, learning light language and connecting more to other consciousnesses that are all around to helping assist us in healing ourselves here on Earth.


I will tell you that no one is ever truly healed, but you can over come the things you have been through and open yourself up to more love, compassion, forgiveness and understanding of the world. I am still healing and learning today, in my relationships and especially with my children. I will never say you won't be triggered again as we all are through life but this is how we grow and become more enlightened. Being a parent has triggered so many old wounds and it's a journey where you are constantly learning as your children grow.


What I believe and teach, is how important it is to be present in your body and how your feelings and emotions come in, as this helps you release trauma. Life is constantly changing with its ebbs and flows, following nature's rhythm. This is something we have to learn, to find balance within, to work, play, through love even when times in our life get tough.


I have worked through many things in my 40 years being on Earth, a cruel upbringing with my sister meant I could never relax, living in constant fight and flight. I was always wondering where the next hit, kick, trip, locked under the stairs cupboard, force fed. I was sexually abused as a child. I had controlling, mentally and emotionally abusive partners. I struggled being a single mum, after leaving the children's and divorce, not having the money at times to buy food, losing myself and mental health deteriorating. At the end of 2022 I became homeless with my two children and ended up living in a hotel for 3 months, without means to cook a proper meal or wash our clothes left me with me suicidal and the feeling of guilt I carried was unbearable.


Loosing everything in one minute totally changed my whole life, I was an utter mess, at the same time I find inner strength to keep going and awaken more of divine myself.

I have been on an accelerated healing journey, growing spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. I have learnt that my abandonment wounds from my father have led me to attracting the wrong type of relationships. Healing and connecting with my inner child has been the most profound healing which has set me free.


Now, at this time in my life I am the happiest I have ever been, with a feeling of being free like I have never felt before. I am not scared to be alone. Energy speaks to me before a person speaks. I look at the world in a different light and for the miracle we have been given, life on our beautiful Mother Gaia.


I have worked very hard to re-train myself to cope with the challenges life has brought me,  I had to learn healthier routines and patterns when all I wanted to do was give up. This is why I share what I do, it's to help women free themselves from deep hidden traumas which hold you back from reaching your true potential. 


If you feel ready to start your healing journey to enlightenment. Book a discovery call with and lets see if we are a good match to work with each other.


Everything starts when you say yes to yourself and everything you need to heal is right within you.


I look forward to connecting with you beautiful Goddess.


Sending you lots of love and many blessings. Magic and miracles do exist, I have so many to tell you about.​ ​​​


Kerrie Ann x x


Kerrie Ann

I have been in business since 2018, I have worked with all different types of people young to old. I will always share my love, light and experience with others to help inspire them to create change.

What ever you have been through you can get yourself out of it and growth with more self awareness and confidence than ever before.

I don't do one off treatment sessions anymore because of my own past and healing journey. I believe one of session's don't really bring about the change you are desiring.


I love to help people heal themselves from the inside out. Using natural healing therapy's as been a way of life for me since 2018. These therapies changed my life, its is why I learnt them and set up my own practise. To help and show others their is another way. 


The mind is a powerful tool and is so overlooked. I will help you feel free, empowered and positive about yourself and life again.  Looking after yourself on all levels as to be a new way of life. To have all around peace and harmony your spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical parts of you have to be taken into consideration. i will teach you and give you the tools you need to create the life you desire.


I don't just work with anyone, we have to match.


Book a discovery call with me and let's see if I help you reach your true potential and to feel calm and balance within .


Breathwork Facilitator

Law of Attraction Basic Practitioner

Advanced Belief Clearing Practitioner

Meditation Teacher 


Reiki Master & Teacher

Swedish Massage


Hopi Ear Candle

Diploma in Holistic Anlytical Hypnotherapy

Crystal Healing Practitioner


Holistic Massage

Diploma Level 2 & Level 3 Teaching Assistant

BA 1st class hons Degree in Textiles for Fashion


Lego Therapy 


Drawing & Talking Practitioner

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